Pelvis: The Key to Stability and Tai Chi Mastery.
The ancient adage "尾閭中正神貫, 滿身輕利頂頭懸" has been a topic of debate for modern practitioners of Tai Chi. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a straight and erect posture, with a focus on the alignment of the tailbone and the head. However, some aspects of this teaching have been called into question due to their potential negative effects on the body.
The movement of the tailbone and hips should be seen as an external manifestation of proper alignment of the pelvis, rather than an end goal in itself. When the pelvis is properly aligned, with neither anterior nor posterior tilting, the dantian will naturally settle into a stable position.
It is important to recognize that variations in individual perception and body shape may affect the external appearance of the tailbone and hip movement. However, it is important to address the underlying issues of spinal alignment rather than focusing solely on external appearance.
Many modern individuals suffer from anterior pelvic tilt, which can be exacerbated by an excessive focus on lifting the tailbone during Tai Chi practice. Emphasizing the lifting of the tailbone may not be helpful for those who already have an anterior pelvic tilt, and may even lead to further issues.
The key to achieving proper posture lies in relaxing the muscles around the waist and hips. By releasing tension in the lower back muscles, the erector spinae muscles at the base of the spine will naturally lengthen and allow for proper alignment.
For most modern practitioners, it is more useful to focus on achieving proper alignment of the pelvis, rather than explicitly lifting the tailbone or tightening the glutes. This includes working to achieve proper alignment of the sacrum and pelvis, with a neutral pelvic tilt.
The proper alignment of the head and tailbone is achieved through the coordination of opposing forces, such as the upward force exerted by the head and the downward force exerted by the tailbone. This coordination allows for a relaxed waist, and a naturally lengthened spine. This, ultimately, is the true essence of Tai Chi.
圖片來源:知乎、Youtuber 太極說talk, Youtuber 三個字